About Our Custom Programming Services
Using custom programming services is very different from purchasing out-of-the-box solutions.
Leadership via Design provides an integrated set of tech-based services geared towards
increasing your revenue stream and reducing your costs of doing business. This again helps busy
professionals automate their processes and develop helpful solutions for increased productivity
and lower costs.
Our graphic design, technical illustration, and website construction capabilities are at your
service to enhance your image in the eyes of prospective customers so you can close
more sales and win more deals.
By utilizing our CAD productivity and programming services, you can yield dramatic
improvements in efficiency, enabling you to tackle a greater number of projects without
adding more personnel. These same services can also lower your operating expenses by
eliminating the need to hire additional personnel and preventing many types of mistakes that
can cost you dearly in terms of production delays, rework, scrap, and customer relations.
Here's an overview of what we do:
Technical Illustrations
With our extensive background in both the CAD and graphic design fields, we are
ideally equipped to produce the technical illustrations and renderings you need for your
presentations, proposals, web pages, marketing literature, or perhaps even your portfolio.
Starting with sketches, blueprints, or CAD files (2D or 3D), and using software tools like
AutoCAD, Inventor, and CorelDRAW, we can produce high-quality artwork of your architectural,
landscape, mechanical, or plant design.
We are equally adept at working in either 2D or 3D, and the outputs we produce can range
from black & white line art to full color photorealistic or stylized renderings.
We are also working to expand our capabilities into the realm of animation and would be
interested in working with clients who need those services as well.
Custom Application Development
When shrink-wrapped document management solutions can't meet your needs, we can develop
custom applications that will. We have a wealth of experience writing programs that communicate
with both AutoCAD and to a lessor extent, Inventor. Furthermore, as members of the Autodesk
Developers Network, DWGraphics has access to a vast repository of programming resources
for every CAD product Autodesk publishes. The bottom line is this -- whatever your document
management requirements may be, we can collaborate with you to meet them.
Visual Basic, C#, and JavaScript Customized Programming
We specialize in developing custom programs for architectural, engineering, and manufacturing
firms who use Autodesk CAD products to do their design work. The types of programs we write fall
into four basic categories – Design Automation, System Integration, Batch Processing, or AutoLISP
to Visual Basic Conversion.
Website Construction
Leadership via Design offers a number of services you can utilize to change your website, including:
- Redesign of the site’s overall visual theme and/or navigational structure
- Creation of the graphical components and imagery necessary to implement that design
- Construction of individual pages
- Creation of all types of content for those pages, including downloadable PDF files
- Development of image galleries to show off your professional work
- Formatting of images to the proper size and resolution for inclusion on your site
We LOVE web design!
CAD Productivity & Standards
We partner with you to remove the roadblocks that are limiting the productivity of your organization.
And it’s highly likely that the solutions we develop will pay for themselves by preventing expensive
mistakes, keeping projects on schedule, and/or potentially freeing up large blocks of time that can
used to do more business with the same resources.
Our process implementation enables the people on your design team to work together. Anyone
can on your design team can open up a drawing file created by someone else and begin working
on it immediately without having to become familiar with how it’s put together. If you haven’t already
developed good CAD standards in your organization, the savings in billable hours for multiple people
over a year’s time can be quite astounding. We have saved companies thousands of dollars
through our solutions.
AutoCAD Customization Services
AutoCAD is a tremendously powerful program out of the box, but very few individuals or organizations
tap the full potential of the application.
Have you reaped the benefits you can achieve by tuning the user interface of your AutoCAD-based
application to the work you perform day in and day out so you can reap the productivity increases
it is possible to achieve?
Have you developed routines to automate the repetitive or tedious design tasks you see over and
over again? How much time could you save if you had a program do those tasks instead of you?
What would you do with that time?
Have you made your library of blocks intelligent by embedding attributes in them? And if so, are y
ou taking advantage of that fact by extracting that attribute data they contain for use in other areas
of your business operations?
If you haven’t customized AutoCAD in these or other ways yet, you’re essentially leaving money
on the table. At Leadership via Design, we’re all about helping you become more efficient so you
can reduce your costs and take home a better paycheck at the end of the day.
Inventor Customization Services
If your organization designs families of products, Autodesk Inventor has a series of tools –
iParts, iAssemblies, iFeatures, and iMates – that can be harnessed to automate your design
and documentation work. We can help you develop the “factories” for these products so you can
create entire designs in almost no time at all based on inputs from a configuration spreadsheet.
We can also tap into Inventor’s programming environment to create add-ons to automate other
aspects of the application. If you have ideas you’d like to discuss, please email us or set up
an online appointment.
Document Management
Over time, most large organizations that use CAD software generate unbelievable numbers of
drawings, which are typically (but not always) stored on a network file server. Unfortunately,
the wealth of intellectual capital present there is seldom utilized to the extent it might be.
Partly that's because the drawings have been created by numerous people, and a designer
who needs to develop a new widget may be unaware that there's already one the server almost
exactly like what he or she needs. Also, it's not usually possible to search through the content of
all those drawings. For example, that same designer can't get a list of all the drawings that
contain a "widget" block. Wouldn't it be great if that were possible though?
Well, it is, actually. That's exactly the sort of thing Leadership via Design exists to do for you.
And the benefits you can reap for reusing your existing data can be enormous. You'll no longer
have to keep reinventing the wheel. By modifying existing designs, you can shorten your design
cycles, perhaps take advantage of potential purchasing and manufacturing economies,
and save significant amounts of money in the process.
Here's a brief list of what we do:
- Access Database Development
- Custom Add-Ins for MS Office Applications
- Batch Data Updates & Conversions
- Custom Add-Ins
- Custom Applications to your specifications
- Technical 3-D illustrationAutomation of Autodesk CAD Applications (AutoCAD, Inventor, Vault, PLM 360)
Supported languages include:
VB.NET, C#, JAVAScript
Set up an appointment today to discuss your needs with our Software Engineer. He is awesome!