Innovative online teaching is an art. To teach an online course effectively, Online Course Instructors and
Facilitators must be able to engage students through advanced technologies, understand the
ins-and-outs of Learning Management Systems, and closely monitor the online course environment
all while managing the curriculum, assessing meaningfully, and making it all look effortless to students
who are often Digital Natives. The Certificate Program addresses the needs of Online Classroom Instructors
who are seeking certification or collaboration in going after their next job. After completing this
Certificate Program, participants will walk away with a toolkit of easy-to-use templates and tools
that will engage learners, increase participation, and expand collaboration from students while
developing your network.
Because Online Instructors are often part of a remote workforce that can feel isolated from in-seat
faculty, thiis Certificate Program enables participants to engage in virtual Communities of Practice
facilitated via Helpful Protocols purposed to drive participation and model engaged interactions that
can then be in-turn used with students.
This Certificate Program addresses Curriculum Design in Virtual Courses, engages participants
through useful technologies, and enables participants will walk away with a toolkit of easy-to-use
templates and tools that will engage learners, increase participation, and expand collaboration from
students while developing your network.
If you are looking for the opportunity to take a very well designed program intended to help you advance
your skill-set and develop your professional e-teaching acumen; this program is for YOU!
This Certificate Program is intended for University Faculty, Adjuncts, and Corporate
Course Instructors who teach Online Courses.
Affordable. Purposeful. Engaging. Timely.
EDUC 9030 Introduction to Online Teaching and e-Course Facilitation
Online teaching is an art. To teach an online course effectively, there can be a lot of challenges.
This course offers an overview of practical strategies and effectively, engaged online teaching
for the busy university instructor or e-learning course facilitator. Participants will receive an introduction
to Internet-based learning theories, including gamification, and will be introduced to different types of
online teaching course design and educational technologies. Using real-life scenarios,
Simulation, Case Studies, and Communities of Practice, participants will understand the challenges
and advantages of establishing a distance learning course or program. The course will discuss
course design, development, implementation and evaluation and the concept of building community.
This course will prepare participants to re-design Instructor-Led teaching practice for Online Courses.
Online Instructors complete the course with a toolkit of easy-to-use templates and tools that will engage
learners, increase participation, and expand collaboration from students while developing your network.
Plan on meeting once-a-week online through Go To Meetings for engaging live lessons.
EDUC 9031 Online Curriculum Theory and Delivery Models for e-Learning Instructors
Online course design requires knowledge of Adult Learning Theory, ADDIE, and proven
facilitation methods to implement effective online course design and practice. This course
presents an overview of curriculum development and an introduction to the Instructional
Systems Design Model - ADDIE. Participants will learn to analyze, design and evaluate online
curriculum, develop supplementary instructional materials to be presented online, assess
student learning and measure instructional outcomes for use in online courses. Topics include
preparation of course outlines and syllabi, development of lessons plans, design of evaluation
instruments and an explanation of how learning objectives and evaluation strategies affect the
selection of content and materials. Communities of Practice will be used as a means to effectively
integrate live practice into online course delivery.
EDUC 9032 Practical & Engaging Multi-Media Technologies for the Online Instructor
This course will introduce participants to leading learning management systems (LMS) and tech
tools that increase engagement, improve interactions, and cultivate learning in your Online
Course. Participants will learn about the latest multi-media tools including image editing, e-learning
software, graphic design tools, and practical instructional use of current tools. You learn directly
from an experienced and highly skilled technologist. During the course, we will have the opportunity
to analyze several primary LMS and identify strengths and weaknesses, challenges to use, and ways
to integrate more live and engaging participation. Participants will receive an orientation of what tools
are available in each LMS, as well as best practices for accommodating various assessment and
collaboration assignments. Participants will be introduce to the concepts of streaming vs. progressive
download vs. download, different multimedia, streaming formats and illustrated audio.The course will also
explore how to connect instructional tools with sound teaching. Online teachers leave the course with a
tool kit of easy-to-use, engaging, and exciting tools to enhance the online classroom. Sharing is done
through Communities of Practice.
EDUC 9033 Practicum in Online Teaching & Course Facilitation
Participants in this course will design a capstone project focusing on their lessons from the entire
Online Teaching & Course Facilitation certificate program. This course will focus on your progress
and practical application to current or prospective work opportunities. Plan on learning to build a
resume to help you further your career with your new skill-set. Participants will work collaboratively
with the Course Facilitator and other participants through Communities of Practice before submitting
their final project.